martes, 3 de febrero de 2015


Hey everybody, how are you? I want to start with me. Hahaha sorry, well this blog is about well. .. What I think of the world, I know its weird. But I want to express me like who I am. So I would introduce me, I'm a person like you that like being confident and try to have fun. Well, I start this blog because I need a place what I think of everything. Like everything. Isn't a diary, is more like my opinion of what I listen or see or whatever. I live Peru, and you guys are wondering, why I speak english and not spanish. Actually I express better in English, I never said I was good writing that. 

My famaily is a little political like I think every family, of course have difference.  I listen to them but never comment something, because they would think that I am ready to talk about that. Well what I will write in this blog is more like whatever I want to, but always with respect (we don't know).